All Blog Posts — homemade

6 Eco-Friendly Home Improvements That Will Save You Money

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6 Eco-Friendly Home Improvements That Will Save You Money

Eco-friendly home renovations are a win-win situation. Who doesn't enjoy conserving both money and the environment? The phrase "sustainable living projects" may conjure up pictures of solar panels and ornate terraced gardens. However, there are many easy and inexpensive improvements you can do at home to significantly reduce your energy use and carbon footprint.

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Low Waste Meal Plan | One Week of Low Waste Meals

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Low Waste Meal Plan | One Week of Low Waste Meals

Cooking low waste meals is a great way to start the transition to a sustainable lifestyle. The kitchen is the place in our house that produces the most waste, so it's important to focus our attention thereCheck out our meal plan that you can use for a week to reduce waste and help the planet!

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Zero Waste Back-to-School Snacks & Lunches

eco-friendly homemade plastic-free recipes zero waste

Zero Waste Back-to-School Snacks & Lunches

When it comes to making school lunches, a parent's main concern is that their kids have something they enjoy eating and enough of it. As a result, school lunches usually involves a ton of plastic packaging and unhealthy foods that are not ideal for the environment and most importantly, their kids.

Zero-waste school lunches are much better for the environment and are a great way to get your children to be mindful about the planet! That is why we have created a list of back-to-school lunches and snacks that you can make for your kids.

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How to Make Your Own Vegetable Stock at Home (Easy & Delicious)

eco-friendly homemade recipes sustainable zero waste

How to Make Your Own Vegetable Stock at Home (Easy & Delicious)

Here at Green City Living Co, we are all about reducing waste and being resourceful with what you already have! When it comes to making your own vegetable broth, we recommend using vegetable scraps which is both easy and reduces waste. Vegetable scraps are full of flavour and nutrients. This method is incredibly flexible, meaning you can use a wide variety of ingredients, easily tweaking the recipe to what is available in your home! Check out our easy recipe to create your own vegetable stock at home.

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4 DELICIOUS Plant-Based Milk Alternatives + Their Benefits

homemade plants vegan drinks vegan recipes

4 DELICIOUS Plant-Based Milk Alternatives + Their Benefits

Plant milks have been becoming more popular in the past decade, but for centuries, various different cultures have consumed plant milks for a variety of reasons! Whether it is for their nutritional value, lower environmental impact, animal welfare reasons or simply out of preference, there are so many great plant-based milks to try! Check out our four FAVOURITE plant-based milk alternatives.

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