7 Everyday Items You Should NEVER Flush Down the Toilet!

Green City Living Co. eco home eco-friendly

Toilets are more sensitive than they look and disposing of items in the toilet can clog drain pipes, cause environmental damage, and even contaminate our water systems. In order to prevent a plumbing emergency and negative effects on our environment, throw the following items in the TRASH rather than the toilet! There are some products that should never be flushed down the toilet. 


1. "Flushable" Wipes

Although many packages state their products are "approved by plumbers", flushable wipes should not go down the toilet. These wipes have a hard time breaking down easily and can get stuck in drains and cause clogs.

2. Dental Floss

Normally made of nylon, dental floss does not break down easily and can easily build-up overtime when flushed. Also, the shape of the floss makes it easy for it to wrap around other items flushed after it, creating larger clumps that can clog your pipes.

3. Bandages

Most bandages are made of non-biodegradable plastic, which can pollute water systems if flushed. Avoid this issue by discarding bandages in the garbage.

4. Kitty Litter

Feline waste should never go in the toilet. Flushing cat litter down the toilet will likely introduce potentially harmful parasites into the supply of water, which can cause it to absorb water and clog pipes. Always dispose of cat litter and waste in the trash.

5. Q-Tips/Cotton Balls

Cotton is excellent materiel for absorbing water, but it doesn't break down easily. This combination is likely to clog your toilet so throw those bad boys out instead (and switch to bamboo cotton swabs).

6. Gum

Water does not break down or even get rid of gum! Gum tends to be very sticky so it can get stuck to your pipes and will have a hard time leaving. Make sure to dispose of your gum in the garbage.

7. Pills & Medication 

If you have pills past expiration or you just don't want them in your household anymore, you can find a medicine take-back program or grind them up and throw them away. The potent chemicals can get into sewer systems and possibly groundwater and cause damage.


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